Product certifications are as important for cabling as for any other industry. No one wants to run the risk of winding up with sub-par products that do not work or, worse, cause damage to other devices (or people). With so many different certifications spread across just as many different industries, it can be hard to keep them straight. For cables, there are a few key certifications to keep an eye out for:

  • UL-Listed
  • ETL-Listed
  • RoHS
  • WEEE
  • Prop 65

Each of these certifications has different definitions covered below. Some or even all of them may not apply to an item depending on what kind of item is in question. For example, certifications for an ethernet cable will not be the same as ones for a patch panel. Other certifications will only apply in certain geographical areas, such as stipulations set in Europe versus ones in the North America. Keep in mind that just because a product does not list a specific certification does not make it “bad”.


Underwriters Laboratories

UL-Listed is a certification set by Underwriters Laboratories. They are a federally approved safety testing organization, overseen by OSHA. Underwriters Laboratories has developed and

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