Cables are the backbone of most modern technology. From simple ethernet cables keeping office computers online to heavy-duty power cables running hospital equipment, cables are involved with every aspect of technology. Even wireless devices like cell phones and tablets can only work by connecting to other devices like modems and routers that use cables themselves.

With cables being so critical, it is important to think economically when making purchases. However, once prices get too low it should set off a red flag. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Where cables are concerned, that can mean counterfeit cables that do not meet industry standards. These cables are unsafe and can damage themselves, the equipment they are connected to, and people unfortunate enough to be handling them.

Identifying Counterfeit Cables

Simply put, a counterfeit cable is any cable that does not meet industry standards. This often means using subpar materials to make the cable. Many counterfeit cables also go the extra step to try to deceive customers with false certification marks.

There are a few common counterfeit cable scams to look out for. At the foremost is cables made using inferior materials. One of the most common is copper-clad aluminum (CCA). Most cables use pure copper lines, with the exception of some coax cables that use copper-clad steel. CCA is no longer considered an industry standard but it is not entirely obsolete. Sometimes it is passed off as a cheap solution for jobs it is not qualified for.

Another common scam is faking certification labels. Many cables are tested to standards set by federally acknowledged facilities

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