What is Digital Lighting Management?

Digital Lighting Management (DLM) is a new, innovative system designed to maximize energy savings in each and every room of any building. In the state of California, DLM is now required to keep buildings up to code. This system will not only meet state codes but exceed their requirements to save energy costs on any electrically powered equipment.

The cables used for DLM, called Lighting Control Cables, are compatible with a variety of devices, from wall switches to occupancy sensors, to ensure the individuals using the devices are contributing towards your energy savings just as much as your new lighting control cables and DLM system. Even in areas where state codes have not implemented this requirement yet, installing this system now will optimize your energy savings even sooner.

Cat5e Plenum Digital Lighting Management Cable

How does Digital Lighting Management work?

DLM utilizes ethernet cables with RJ45 jacks, similar to a line used between a modem and computer. Designed for easy installation, just plug the cable in and it will be ready to go. Alongside these crucial cables, you will also need a few other pieces of equipment.

Room controllers are the backbone of any digital lighting management system. Each controller automatically configures your DLM network for top-of-the-line energy efficiency. From there, users can run Lighting Control Cables to other electrical equipment in the building. Some devices are used for direct control, such as wall switches and remote controls for ceiling lights. Other devices, such as plug load controllers, can be connected to equipment like computer monitors to better manage their energy efficiency when not in use.

With the use of simple ethernet cables, digital lighting management is much simpler to install than older, less energy efficient forms of power lines. Being ethernet-based, the lines can even be plugged directly into a computer to implement network configuration options from your desktop or laptop. Putting your lights on a schedule just a button push away. These configurations also display statistics about the network, such as kilowatt usage and devices currently in use.

Where can I get started with DLM?

ShowMeCables' Lighting Control Cables are readily available for your DLM system today in a number of lengths, ranging from 3’ to 100’ as stock items. Our Lighting Control Cables are all made using plenum jackets, as required by California state code. For any cables that are shorter, longer, or anywhere between the sizes of our regular stock, our custom cable team can prepare any other length of cable down to the inch in just 3-5 business days.

Anytime you need a quote for any cabling requirements, you can reach our sales team directly at 888-519-9505 or sales@showmecables.com. Our experts will have a quote prepared and over to you within one business day.